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La “carica dei 101” rimbalza in Europa

La “carica dei 101” rimbalza in Europa


La notizia della richiesta di rimborso sulla tassazione iniqua ha varcato i confini grazie all’ELFAC, che riporta sul suo

Sito ELFAC l’iniziativa Anfn.


101 Families of the National Large Families Association have registered a letter to the
Tax Agencies, claiming a refund for taxes unfairly paid, as income tax over the last 5
Families from all Italian regions are targeting the tax offices of the country with an
initiative that is going to turn the provincial offices of the Internal Revenue service
upside-down. It is said in the letter that “the tax laws are unconstitutional” as
“violation of Articles 3, 29, 31, 53, and 97 of the Fundamental Rights Chart”.

As widely reported by ANFN, an association of families with at least 4 children, born in 2004 to defend extra-large families’ values and rights,
the current tax legislation does not take into account the taxpayer’s family composition, “in total affront to his real ability to pay”, and
“to progressiveness”. In vain, in 1995 The Constitutional Courts declared that “the tax calculations show with no doubt that the current family
tax treatment damages one-income households and large families with members who do not produce or perform house work”, asking the
legislator to adopt, “the remedies necessary for the restoration of tax fairness and protection of families”, and stressing that “the legislator
will not allow the last set of inequalities in harm, in observance to the constitutional principles and criteria set out in tax courts”.
After awaiting tax reforms vainly, now families ask for the repayment of the “wrongly calculated and paid taxes”. “It is unacceptable to go
on ignoring the contributive capacity principle laid down by the Article n° 53 of the Constitution”, Mario Sberna wrote, presenting the initiative
to Presidents Napolitano, Berlusconi, Fini and Schifani. It would be better to stir things up, in order to “make the Republic’s commitment in favor
of Large Families concrete, such commitment is ratified in the Article n° 31 of the Constitution”. “If times of economic crisis may prevent to
allocate significant resources to families”: Sberna says, “the present system of inequality is unjustifiable”. As years went by, this system had
led to the present situation of poverty among large families (one out of three lives below the poverty line) and the dramatic decline of birth
rate: two thousand children less, in the first quarter of 2010, and a birth rate of 1,41 which is among the lowest in Europe”.
Now the response from the Tax Agencies is being awaited, “according to article 2 of Law N° 241 August 7th 1990, even to allow activation of
the appropriate legal actions”. ANFN families Association are not going to stop it here.